Download SniperSpy for MAC Users
Well SniperSpy Mac is the cutting-edge solution or software to expose the truth on a Mac OS X based computer. After you install the hidden logger program onto the Mac, it will begin silently recording ALL activities and upload them to a secure online account. You can view logs from any other computer, smartphone or web browser. Activities recorded include keystrokes typed and complete chat conversations in iChat, Yahoo! Instant Messenger, AIM and Skype. Also recorded are websites visited, applications ran and pasteboard logs. The program also captures screenshots for a graphical representation of the activity. Unlike any other Mac monitoring software, SniperSpy Mac allows you to securely perform LIVE surveillance and control on your remote Mac from anywhere. You can also view the remote screen like a television and perform other commands instantly.
Steps to install it -
1. First of all you need an account on the SniperSpy Mac server. Go to the Register Account page to create your username and password. This step can be done from any computer or smartphone web browser.
2. On the target Mac you intend to monitor, download the SniperSpy Mac Logger Application here.
3. Once the Logger downloads, double-click the logger.pkg file to execute the installer…
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation below.
5. After the program is successfully installed, the Logger window will open. At this point, input your username and password and click Verify. Then proceed to configure Sniper Spy to suit your needs. Make sure to click Save anytime you make a change.
6. Once you have configured the Logger to suit your needs, allow 15 minutes to pass before checking your logs for new records. To view your records, you will need to sign into your online viewer account.
For more help, check out the SniperSpy Mac User Guide.
Editors Choice- 4.5/5.0
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I prefer to use Amac keylogger.