How To Bypass Surveys
You visit a good website and when you are about to see a good content you are prompted to take a survey. These surveys are really annoying. Here is the short trick on how to bypass it.
First of all you need Mozilla Firefox browser
Follow the steps given below
*1st method
Download an addon for firefox called Noscript 2.03 here
NoScript 2.0.3 is very useful add on for firefox that can block almost everything ,from surveys, pop-up ads and similar annoying thing. It worth to try it.
*2nd method
Download an addon for firefox called CPA Blocker 1.3here
CPA Blocker 1.3 is add-on for firefox that automatically blocks popular survey popups. CPALock, Perfecttracking, Instant Dollarz, Dollarade, Adscend Media, Blvd-Media, and more.
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